How to import data from json files using Import with mapping?
Hello, can someone tell me how I can import local json files into my application? I want to use the data to fill my table with some rows. Someone suggested here to use the ‘Import with mapping’ action within a microflow. I used my json file and created a json structure and an import mapping. Now I use the ‘import with mapping’ activity in a microflow but what do I choose now as input variable? I thought I can use ‘file document’ and choose my json file but the only thing I can choose is ‘latestHTTPresponse (System.HTTPresponse)’: Is it not possible to import a json file like that? If not, how can I do it? Any help is appreciated.
Alexander Betz
2 answers
You can use the StringFromFile action from The CommunityCommons module to get the file content in a variable. That in turn can be use with the Import with mapping you suggested.