Adding transparency to a Static Label in a Document Template

I have a document template and want to add some text over each page which is partially transparent so that you can still read the text below. I see in the color settings the color preview says “Color/Solid” but I cannot figure out how to change it to something not solid.   If I use the style editor to set the color using rgb values this works correctly (but the text is still solid). For example: color: rgb(206,206,206); However if I try to use rgba values to add transparency this does not work. For example: color: rgba(206,206,206, 0.3); Doing this will just make my text black and solid.   Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
4 answers

Did you use the ‘Overlay Pdf Document’ java action from the Community Commons?

It has a setting ‘On top of content'. Perhaps if you set that to false it will work the way you want it :) 


I was looking in the wrong place!

That solves the problem.

Thank you for the help!


I am not sure, but I see that there is a custom tab in the color (colour) settings. Perhaps with the heklp fo some CSS you could add some transparancy there. 
But honestly I would have hoped by now that Mendix would have gotten rid of this awefully outdated document template feature and came up with something new to replace it.

Good luck buddy!


Using the value ‘opacity’ always throws an error in the microflow:

“Invalid property encountered on "fo:block": opacity (See position 22:333)”

Using “hlsa” on the text also does not work (the text is always solid black)
