Error handling multiple simultaneous request to a REST Service.

Hello,  I am building an application which can receive data from multiple systems and forward it elsewhere. Data is receive using a published REST service. When two or more requests are made at the same time I get an error returning 403. The one message goes through but the rest do not.  How can I avoid this error and resulting loss of data? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of forwarding the incoming message to the error microflow and creating a sort of queue but am unable to because apparently error microflows cannot contain a parameter.  
2 answers

I would find it strange that you would receive a forbidden error. I would (with high load) expect a 503 error. You might want to file a support request on how to handle high loads and why a 403 is returned.





Thanks for the response. This may be due to how I am simulating the the problem as I do not currently have high loads but want to build for the off chance two requests are made at once. 

I am using node-red to fire off 4 requests with the same message. I have concurrency allowed but I get the error message connected to concurrency of that microflow. 
