Unexpected errors more than 1000, not of my App

I came across new problem, screen shot enclosed, of having more than 1000 errors which are not parting to my App but pertaining to Marketplace Modules. I don't know why at all they have come now for first time and I don't know how to solve it. This is something different from the earlier errors of my App. Please help me to solve it. In my opinion this is something to do system. I am enclosing the screen shot.
4 answers

Did you create the project using Mendix studio Pro 9.1 or using earlier version of Mendix?



I am still waiting for the answer / solution for my problem. Because of this I am not able to progress with the development. Status quo


First check if you have the correct theme enabled through Project > Settings > Theme in your StudioPro Explorer pane.

If so, it looks like you need to update or reinstall the Atlas module because something is missing or corrupt in your filedirectory {project}\theme\settings.json and widgets folder.



AS per your suggestion, I reinstalled Atlas Core but still some 10 errors are there. Majority of the errors have vanished. I am uploading the latest screenshot

