If the board is internet visible, could you get it to POST to a Mendix hosted REST service, or use MQTT to send data?
While I’ve not used a FPGA board to do this, I have had success using a microcontroller to do something similar.
Good luck!
I would like to double check with you if this link is ok for reference: https://docs.mendix.com/howto/integration/consume-a-rest-service.
May I know if it is safe to do the followings:
Hi Robert, thanks for answering so quick.
Could you please explain in detail what you mean? We are using ESP33 for wifi module. I am using Mendix free version. May I know where can I find “Mendix hosted REST service” please? I was thinking that to send images from zybo to Mendix, the zybo board keys in the command line to send to Mendix Cloud URL link, then Mendix accepts the images, store inside Mendix dashboard and possibly show it in the dashboard.
I am very sorry if what I wrote is very confusing. I tried my best to word my sentences correctly as I am a student with no prior knowledge to these stuff before doing this internship project and I am trying to learn a lot of things at once.
Hi Robert,
Sorry for bothering you again. This week I managed to create the swagger API UI after following your link as well as Mendix “ Create a REST API” learning path. After playing around with swagger UI, I am assuming that in order for my FPGA to communicate with Mendix, we have to make use of the POST Url given by Mendix:
curl -X POST "https://publishingrestapiexample-sandbox.mxapps.io/v1/collection/vehicle
If FPGA is able to communicate with Mendix using the POST api url ( we are still discussing on this), may I know why and how do I decode it please? I found a widget called “NativeImageBase64”, is this it? Or do I use the “Base64 decode to file” from Community Commons? I think that I should use Community Commons but I am not sure on how do I use it as there are no examples I could find online. Do I need to do anything for listening and storing it? I feel that I do not need to do anything for listening and storing the images/files but I would like to double confirm with you.
I would really appreciate it if you could guide me along. I am very sorry to keep bothering you.
Hi Robert,
Today my supervisor suggested to use a cloud database platform such as firebase, to retrieve images from firebase instead of FPGA directly. ( FPGA→ Firebase→ Mendix). I am not familiar with any type of free cloud database as well but I can learn, I am not doubting my supervisor, but what do you think about his suggestion? Do you think that I should still stick to publishing API in Mendix? May I have some recommendations on some free cloud database I could possibly use besides firebase as well please? I would like to seek for your opinion as you are a professional in Mendix.
As for your suggested solution, the hardware team in my project is currently doing other stuff so we have not tested if it is possible for FPGA to communicate with Mendix. I am also figuring out the microflow. I feel that I have an idea of what you said ( I may be wrong though haha..) but I am getting errors as of now. I would like to try and figure out myself first before seeking for your help.