Link to Externally hosted javascript

Hey guys, I have been given an externally hosted script to place onto our Mendix site for accessibility with a company called BrowseAloud. It takes the form of a <script> tag as follows: ​​​​​​​<script type="text/javascript" src="" crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha256-editedforbrevity sha512-editedforbrevity=="></script> I tried adding this to the HTMLsnippet widget in the Atlas_TopBar layout, but the script simply doesn’t fire. I even tested it with a simple <script>alert(‘hello world’)</script> on the page, and even though the markup is inserted into the page, it doesn’t actually fire the script. Can someone give me some next steps for how to run this?
2 answers

Hey Russel,

You can place this  script in your index.html file which can be found in your folder directory

My Documents > 'Your project’ > theme > index.html

Place your script right before the end of the body tag




I have such a case, wondering why the Javascript Snippet does not work for you, but as alternative solution, you can use the timer widget to trigger a nanoflow after some milliseconds. that would be a more stable option to make sure your script is being triggered.



