Mendix export to excel

Hi   I have been following this tutorial but I still face some difficulties in implementing it. My end goal is to get sensor data from an IOT platform ( which has been done), and in Mendix export the all of sensor values to excel.    I tried following the tutorial to understand but I have no idea where to use the 2 microflows they created. I am not sure if I am stupid but I do not really understand the tutorial. Are there any learning paths that talk about this?( I didnt find any though I may be wrong). I would really appreciate it if someone could send a demo file of this example or guide me along with this please. 
4 answers

Hi Andy Neo,

Is there any specific reason you are using Excel Exporter Module?

if you are able to show the data in a DataGrid by using a Microflow or Xpath or by Assocoiation you can use the default Export to Excel/CSV  button from the Data grid. 

This makes work more easy. if you need more extended functionalities you can use Excel Exporter Module.



The following learning path will guide you



Hi Andy Neo,

Just add a button where you need to download the excel and call the Generate Excel Doc microflow.

And they mentioned the second microflow is for navigation

If you still need a reference you may try this doc


Hi Ehathisamulhaq Z,


The thing is, after creating the first microflow, I created a button below the datagrid in “Policy_Overview”, and it gives me an error “ Parameter ‘PolicyDoc’ of the selected microflow does not match available arugements. No arguements are available to button”. This error also occurs when I generated overview pages for PolicyDoc_Overview. Hence, I am not sure where did I go wrong. 


As for the 2nd microflow, I also linked the microflow to navigation. However, when I click on the page it is not responding at all. ( No errors in Mendix studio pro).


I will check out both your and  Stella links. Thanks so much guys for providing me links to study on this. 
