Hi Eline!
I love the idea of tracking board games and ratings. Perhaps you could use this BoardGamesGeek API to search and rate games from their list! This would end up being more of an exercise in using APIs and testing them with something like Postman before integrating though
A simpler version of an integration... CAT CONNECTOR!
Hi Eline,
An app to keep track shopping cart purchased by customer
Hello Eline Bijkerk,
Hi Eline,
An app like soccer game app.
Hi Eline,
A stock market tracker – you can make that very basic (a button with a GET behind it to some free API and a graph), but it leaves room to increase complexity if things get too simple (e.g. alerts, styling of graphs etc.)
Hi Eline,
An app to keep track of training events by the trainer.
I thought of an app that lets you connect with each other through a QR scan,
Dont know any practicle application though hahah.
this lets you play with user accounts, qr, photo scan tools and PWA.