how to amke field disable or read only on user specific

how to make perticular text area disable or read only for perticular user. like if Admin/Approver – then it should be editable. if user – then it should not editable;   what condition should i apply for the textbox.please help me.  
2 answers

The easiest way would be to set these rights on an entity level. In the domain model, open the ProposalDetails entity, go to the “Access rules” tab, and make sure you give admin / approver write rights, whereas the user should only have read rights on this particular attribute.



If you need globally for this attribute , you can go with the Eline Bijrek suggestion or if you need only in the particular page you can create two text box with the visiblity condition based on the roles , one is for admin with editable and another one for user with non editable
