Counter widget error

Hello, the widget works fine locally but it does not work on the cloud. I use it for a countdown. Here is the error message: mendix.sys.Data.get: error in handler for 33776997205279125: Counter_widget_Counter_0.applyContext: Error: Counter_widget_Counter_0.applyContext: TypeError: jqueryTcNode.TimeCircles is not a function Does anyone know how to solve the problem?
3 answers

Maybe jQuery is overwritten by another widget, so it loses it's TimeCircles function. From what I see at the repository, it should properly work. Maybe file an issue here; and add a stacktrace of the error


I have updated the structure in a fork of this widget, see this comment. Could you test this one? I basically used the same trick we did in the Lightbox widget when it comes to dependencies.


I looked at the widget repository and it seems that the problem have been identified. Maybe the fix never worked...

Need to have a unique load of jquery so that there is no conflicts with other widgets.

jquery-1.11.2.js Fixing JQuery Lib Loading 8 months ago jquery.TimeCircles-1.5.3.js Fixing JQuery Lib Loading 8 months ago
