Converting strings to decimal

Hi,   I am using this IOT Platform called Thingspeak. It is only able to export data from Thingspeak to Mendix. I am developing a native mobile and I would love to use graphs in my mobile app.   The problem now is that I have managed to convert string to decimal by using a calculated attribute. ( For eg, my entity has 2 attributes. One is a string and the other is decimal ( Calculated value). ) However, I am not able to use this calculated attribute in my native mobile app as it will give me an error.   I looked at Mendix import mapping and it looks like I am able to convert. However, I am not sure on how do I apply it and I also had errors when I tried it out. My idea is to have  a decimal attribute in my entity and I am able to use this in my native mobile app. I really really need help please I have been stuck for a week. I managed to convert it and used it as a calculated attribute but these errors keep showing up when I try to apply it in import mapping. I would appreciate it there are pictures or examples to guide me on this please.   
1 answers

HI Andy,

The Parse microflow parameter should be of type Integer since in the Importing the FIled 2 is an integer value , but the Parse microflow paramter of type object Top_2. 
Change the Parameter type from object → Integer/Long. 
This wil solve the issue.
