Populate from TXT File

Hi all, I’m fairly new to mendix and I’m working on a little project, the main issue now is that I’d like to populate some attributes based on a txt or csv file. Is there a module or a modus operandi I can use to achieve this? any help is appreciated. thanks! regards
3 answers

Have you looked at the CSV module in the appstore?  Sounds like it will do what you need.  https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/108605


this are the two microflows I’m using


and this is my Domain Model

so I’m trying to store the imported csv in the Pedido_CSV and from there load the Pedido entity. But I think I’m missing something.

can you send me in the proper direction?

thanks in advance


no, I dont get any errors. But the csv doesn’t get stored anywhere

my idea is to populate the Pedido dataview with those microflows running from Importar and then be able to save it locally on the database but thats what I’m missing I think

