Save data entered in Preview into Database for other team members to see

Hello,   I am currently working to develop an app and have some stock data that I put into the preview when I attempted to view the app on Mendix Studio. Is there a way to save this information for other team members to see? If not, is there a way to input the data so that it saves in this manner? 
2 answers

You can include a snapshot of data with your saved model.  This documentation page provides an overview of how to share your development database:


Yes, you are able to share your test database entries with your fellow teammates. This is what’s called a data snapshot. You can read more about it here

Essentially though, when you’re in studio pro, you can go to project → more versioning → Add snapshot of data.

You will have to commit any changes you’ve made. Once you do this, if you look in your project directory, there will be a file. You can send this to your colleagues and they will be able to import the data snapshot into their project. 
