Rest web service help for STRIPE API integration

I am creating a rest service to add card details by sending it to stripe which returns token I can user for creating a customer. Here is the documentation for creating card token Here is the domain model I have created Here is the microflow, I have created which gives me an error as image show below Here is the log error i keeping getting about content type applpication is /x-www-form-urlencoded When I try the same service using postman services I go get reply as expected I have tried another instance of webservice where I have added the query in url itself and worked fine. However I keep getting error doing it here. I believe its something simple as data structure. Happy to share project with you, any kind of help would be really appreciated. Many Thanks, Savan Vyas
2 answers

Savan your association names are all wrong that is why it isn't working. The association names should match the Json object name. For instance you want card details therefore your association to the card root should be called card. Make sure the spelling is the same and the the association type is correct. Looks like 1to1 relationship you have should be fine.


Hi Savan,

Have you tried to set the parameter sendWithFormEncoding to true in the java action request?
