Accessing attributes from parent entity

This is my domain model:   I want to e.g. in task page be able to use a reference selector where I filter based on building number from Building and room number from Room. I cannot access building number at all from tasks (possible from rooms-page but when running app there is an error). As for room number I get an error when running the app and trying to save a new task saying that it “did not expect an argument to be undefined Error”. I get the this error when I use attributes associated with the used entity. I do not understand why not all attributes from associated entities are available. I have tried to read up on how the inheritance work but I still have a hard time understanding. Thanks in advance!
2 answers

Do you mean something like this?


I want to be able to view all buildings in the database and later all rooms in this specific building (after this has been chosen). The association Room_Building seems to not be found...

