Shipment tracking for Customer orders

Hello, i have a list (in form of an excel file) of orders from customers. I use the Excel Importer to import this list into my app. Now i want to realize a form of shipment tracking, where a customer can see the current status of the order. My idea was to make a landing page for the customer, on which he has to enter his order number. After this he gets to a second page, on which the information of the order are shown. How can i realize this? 
5 answers

Create a landing page where users can enter his/her tracking number and add a button Track then on click of that, use the entered value in the microflow to get the details of the tracking(Using API/Retrive….) and redirect to Other Page Details. 


Close the previous page as needed in the microflow.


To add to Ankit Kanth's solution: for the search field where they enter the tracking number, you can use a non-persistable helper entity (like SearchHelper or so). You can then use that entity in your database retrieve to find the order with the correct number.


Thanks for your answers.

Now my problem is, i’m not very experienced with mendix. My idea to create this landing page was, to use a Data view widget and in this Data view i wanted to use a text box to enter the input number. And with this Track button, i could start the microflow. Is this the right idea? 


I think, i don’t understand the use of a data view correctly. How can I use a data view on a landing page? Because i get an error everytime, that the page expects an object. But if it`s the landing page, there is no object i can pass or am i wrong?



Ok, i think i got this part. I have created a Microflow, where an Object with the Entity “SearchHelper” is created and passed to the landing page. On this landing page there is a Textbox, where the customer can enter the order number and a Button “Track” which starts the microflow. 

How can i keep going on? My idea was, to compare the “SearchHelper” Attribute “order number” to the “order number” of the entity “order”. If there is an Object with the entity “order” and the “order number” which is searched, the status of this order is shown on a page. Is this the right idea or how do i use this “SearchHelper” ?
