Text area validation is set to required ,but when we type some space or else enter the next line without typing any sentences or words it is getting submitted

Hi all I am using the text area for one of the form ,where text area is there in data view. on click of submitting on the form it will trigger an API and response needs to submit. Text area validation is set to required ,but when we type some space or else enter the next line without typing any sentences or words it is getting submitted. what type of changes needs to be done to avoid submitting without words or sentences    
2 answers

Hello praneeth dudipala,

Just create one microflow for validation and call this microflow from your text box give condition in microflow like textareaname!=empty and give validation message too. it will wok. 

Thank You


Hi Praneeth

It’s already nicely done that you applied text validation on the Text Area input component. When submitting the form, you can add more specific validation in your microflow. Before sending the request to the API, put a Decision-component in your microflow to validate that specific input in your Text Area, e.g.: make sure it’s not ‘space’ or something.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

