Uploading & Collecting Large Data Files

Hello, I am currently building an app to help manage speakers for events. One of my requirements is for the speaker to be able to upload their video presentations to the app. I am worried that the amount of storage capacity on the app will be too little for the amount of data that will be uploaded, since it will be hundreds of videos. I’m aware that more app storage is able to be purchased, but I am trying to explore the least costly options first. Does anyone know of any work around with this issue? An idea I am starting to explore is having the user upload their video, and then also having some sort of function to move the file to another storage space (Dropbox, etc.). Any thoughts or help would be much appreciated! Thanks, Molly
2 answers

Hi Molly,

I would probably look into video streaming hosting providers. Let them handle the storage and delivery of content, and use a embedded video player in your page. 



Amazon S3 storage is pretty cheap, consider setting up your own bucket and offloading your files over to that for storage. You can use this connector to do it in your app: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/117958 
