No Entity in the Expressions view

Hello  i woud like my API call more dynamic  Therefore i create an Entity “Token” with the Attribut “API” But in the mircoflow i can not find the Entity “Token” see the picture below ???
3 answers

You need to have an entity available in your microflow before you can use it in a REST call. Have you retrieved the token from the database, or created one in your microflow?


You must create a toke or retrieve the value from database at the MF its not a something you can get it from the session .


You need no entity but you need an object with the type of your entity. So you need to:

  • Pass the object to your microflow or
  • Create the object (Create Object activity with entity Token) or
  • Retrieve (Retrieve activity) the object

in your microflow before you do the REST call. Then the variable, starting with a $, is available (then you are in the right context).
