Excel Import- Allow ( , Comma) separated values and allow only number for certain columns in the excel

Hi everyone, we have a requirement where we are importing financial data using excel import. The excel contains yearly columns for entering numbers (Financial info). If we insert comma separated value for eg: 2018 yr= 12,100  . It only imports 12 from the entire value and skips the value after comma. Need a solution to allow the entire value with comma. Also we are calculating Total of this yearly data from 2018 to 2020. The second point is that it is allowing characters like “abcd” to be inserted and after importing it is converting this abcd value to a number i.e “12” or “11”. Need a solution that it will validate only for numbers in this 2018 to 2020 columns , and not take characters or special symbols.   If anyone knows how to achieve this 2 requirements, Please Let me know.      
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