ClusterManagerActionInterval - I do not want it to unblock accounts, HOW?

Hi everyone.  according to the documentation ClusterManagerActionInterval unblocks users and removes invalid sessions. I would like it not to unblock the accounts at all every 5 minutes(the default value). Any suggestions on how to set that up? Thanks, Razvan
4 answers

You can specify the interval with custom runtime settings, see this part of the documentation:

I don't know if it's possible to disable entirely, but you should be able to set the value to an impossibly high value.


You can’t change this behavior directly.  I think it’s important for us to understand what you’re aiming to accomplish from a business perspective.

There is another attribute on the User called Active, which can be set to False if you want to truly disable a user account. This can be leveraged to de-activate a user account based on other triggers.

For example, when an account gets blocked, you could also deactivate the account. You could implement this in a Before Commit event. Check the Blocked flag and and change the Active flag accordingly.


Hi all,

Thank you for your answers. All of you are correct in their point of views. Indeed, I kept on researching this after posting this question and found out that the custom runtime setting (as Eline said) called ClusterManagerActionInterval  is the one responsible for changing the System.User.Blocked attribute at a default interval of 5 minutes. 

My desire would be to keep the user accounts blocked until a further manual trigger is actioned and not unblock them automatically after a certain amount of time. Therefore, I will use the sort of solution Eric proposed. 

Thank you everyone for the help!


This tricky setting is for performing all cluster manager actions. So be aware of increasing this extremely.
