Application is Not removing session . Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds.

Application is hosted on Kubernetes, Database is separately hosted on oracle. Configurations: MXRUNTIME_ConnectionPoolingMaxActive: 150 MXRUNTIME_ConnectionPoolingMaxIdle: 50 MXRUNTIME_SessionTimeout: 900000 MXRUNTIME_EnableKeepAlive: false Error: INFO - Core: Not removing session 'fdfa5828-9479-4267-9ba6-4a9bdgdgaa81f' for user 'l' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. ------ ERROR - ConnectionBus: Opening JDBC connection to None failed with SQLState: null Error code: 0 Message: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object Retrying...(1/4)   WARNING - ConnectionBus: Database connections: 150 active, 0 idle. ERROR - ConnectionBus: Opening JDBC connection to None failed with SQLState: null Error code: 0 Message: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object Retrying...(1/4) WARNING - ConnectionBus: Database connections: 150 active, 0 idle. ERROR - ConnectionBus: Opening JDBC connection to None failed with SQLState: null Error code: 0 Message: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object Retrying...(1/4) WARNING - ConnectionBus: Database connections: 150 active, 0 idle. ERROR - ConnectionBus: Opening JDBC connection to None failed with SQLState: null Error code: 0 Message: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object Retrying...(1/4)   INFO - Core: Not removing session 'b71dfbe7-1ce3-4a39-8a8b-9c9d98058f9b' for user 'asis.kalayamkulath1' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session '2ac002f8-ba64-4056-b848-1b2557c712bf' for user 'jaleel.reach' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session '473b7629-5e11-42a3-8dbd-7fa137c2c063' for user 'aljb_noushad' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session '6601dad0-7b2d-49a3-b605-460afc44b313' for user 'lamarq.intl' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session '442e3b1b-93ec-4fc2-b383-12d9cfc16093' for user 'thylan.razak' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session '69559793-baa3-4e7d-9667-3444fd140d96' for user 'bush1959' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session '8838a46a-b08f-45c2-a7b4-9afe912fd7a2' for user 'ahmad.assarian' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session '66dbf5b9-19e5-40d7-bdac-cd24e7b7ee2a' for user 'najmudheen' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session 'e61137dc-4371-4958-bfc9-63d77590cab4' for user 'Amer2007sy.public' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session 'fed3dc89-6f1a-43f3-8c5c-1ee113a0b64b' for user 'tmsmathew' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session '949a1b1e-ff87-4506-89d1-92f3f5ac3ce3' for user '' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds. INFO - Core: Not removing session '263fe7f9-fe5b-4a37-a2aa-1e3e938167bb' f
1 answers

It sounds to me like you have a bunch of actions that are hanging or running for a very long time. The message:

ERROR - ConnectionBus: Opening JDBC connection to None failed with SQLState: null Error code: 0 Message: Cannot get a connection, pool error Timeout waiting for idle object Retrying...(1/4)

WARNING - ConnectionBus: Database connections: 150 active, 0 idle.

says that your app is using all 150 possible database connections and a new action cannot get one.


This message:

INFO - Core: Not removing session 'b71dfbe7-1ce3-4a39-8a8b-9c9d98058f9b' for user 'asis.kalayamkulath1' because actions are still running for this session (threads: false, lastActiveExpired: true). Client access has been disabled. Session will be attempted to be removed again in 450 seconds.

means that some action started by asis.kalayamjulath1 is still running, therefore the runtime can’t close this session completely.

Your next steps should be to determine which action/microflow is hanging, and then correct the issue.
