Call REST API on Native mobile app

Is it possible to GET data from an API on a Native Mobile App made on mendix. if so, How do we do it? I tried calling a microflow through a nanoflow on the native mobile app (the Microflow contains the call REST block which is provided with the link to the API ). I have accessed the API data on the responsive version of the same app i made but when it comes to Native Mobile version of that app ( which i made by creating a Native Mobile Navigation Profile ) the API data is somehow not accessed. idk if I am following the right procedure here so, i need some help with how to actually access API data on the Native Mobile App. 
1 answers

Hi Adil,

Step 1: Call a microflow from your nanoflow

Step 2: Perform your Rest call

Step 3: Use a ‘Synchronise to Device’ activity to sync the data to your device
