dependent drop down

I want to make two dependent drop down one is division and second is business. The values in business unit should change based on the value selected in division .     Now how can I retrieve business value based on division value in business drop down i have used enum . Now how can i filter value according to division value  
2 answers

I have a different idea for sire it will works please follow the bellow  :

1- from the entity that you wont to appear the tow drop down create association with division and  business * to 1

2-change the association between the division and  business to be 1 division have multiple business

3- create over view pages for the division and business and at the business you must have reference selector tp select the related division

4- at your page where that you want to add the tow drop down add tow reference selector widget one for the division and one for the business .

5- at the business dropdown double click the bellow will appears navigate selectable object  and choose Xpath



6-then at the bottom you can see constrained by click edit and you will see your path select then click okay 

7- then run and test .


You added a text box instead of a dropdown – if you want to select an enumeration, you'll have to use a dropdown or radio buttons for instance.
