Protovis anyone ??

As part of a project I am working on with the University of Amsterdam we are looking at using Protovis to incorporate some of the available (interactive) graphics in the system. Does anyone have experience with the project? If so, I would like to exchange information. check out protovis here
2 answers

No experience with it, but it looks good :). Since the library is JavaScript based, you can wrap it in a Mendix widget, and use the widget in the modeler, if the configuration is not too complex. You can check out the widget tutorials here.


I haven't used Protovis in a Mendix application but I have done some visualization of metadata with raw canvas and RaphaelJS. Looking at Protovis I don't see any reason why you couldn't use it.

What is the source of the data you want to visualize? XPath queries? These result in lists of MxObjects and you can use the API to extract values from them.

The Reporting module works a little differently - you can't currently send arbitrary OQL queries to the server. You construct the queries in the Modeler and from the client you reference these queries with their identifiers (and optional parameters). AFAIK this module is not currently open for third-party development.
