OQL Number format

Hello, I’m trying to write an OQL dataset that displays an order cost, but I want to have dot in the price decimal value as well (German Format). How do I go about writing the query?   34235235.45 → 34.235.235,45 SELECT ROUND(SUM(C.Umsatz), 2) AS Umsatz, ROUND(SUM(C.Restwert), 2) AS Restwert, ROUND(SUM(C.Auftragssumme), 2) AS Auftragssumme, ROUND(SUM(C.Kostensumme), 2) AS Kostensumme, ROUND(SUM(C.Zeitkosten), 2) AS Zeitkosten, ROUND(Sum(C.Reisekosten), 2) AS Reisekosten, ROUND(SUM(C.ExtKosten), 2) AS ExtKosten, ROUND(SUM(C.UEBestand), 2) AS UEBesatnd FROM MyFirstModule.Controll AS C
2 answers

OQL supports limited formatting. As far as I know, the only function available to format the numbers is round. There is a function CAST, which will only convert the number to string, doesn’t support any formatting. 

You can format the data, when you are trying to display on the Page or as calculated attribute  within Mendix Domain model


I think that’s a great thing.

If you format your number in the OQL, you are less flexible. If you format the number in your microflow for example you are flexible.
