Unable to Run Mendix Studio Pro | Parallels Install Not Working

Hello, Recently I sent a request for help with getting Mendix Studio Pro to work from my iMac, which is running OS Catalina. I was informed Mendix is currently not compatible with Apple. It was suggested I install Parallels on my computer and run Microsoft 10 and Mendix Studio Pro from that. However, when I went to run it, Parallels started acting goofy (glitching – in a continuous, repetitious, pattern of opening and closing). Any suggestions?
4 answers

Have you followed this guide while setting it up?



I’m successfully running Mendix Studio Pro with Windows 10 Parallels on a Macbook Pro running Big Sur.

Is the error you are seeing Parallels or is it just with Mendix Studio Pro?


Thank you for your responses! I am successfully running Mendix through Parallels now. The issue I was having was due to my Parallels download. When I downloaded Parallels using the link in Mendix I had problems. However, after these issues, I downloaded Parallels using the Apple App store. That version of Parallels works just fine.


Ive tried both the provided download – which worked once and then crapped itself – and then followed the above advice to use the version from Appstore and never got it to work. Constant problems and articles to work around the M1 chip.. Ive given up and will look for something far less flaky.
