Missing Planning tab

I am doing the Rapid Developer course. However I am missing the Planning Tab. Can anyone help me? This is how it looks: This is how it should look:
3 answers

I believe that what you are looking for has now been merged with the Stories tab. There, you can go to Sprint status to see the state of the current sprint. Other functionalities that used to be found there have been deprecated.


Let me share with you a trick that you can view what you wanted to view from Planning Tab, 
first open Stories from collaboration  and click on more

then click on Switch to old UI

then once you get switch, re click on switch to new UI


and here you go, all tabs are available to use. I don’t know what is making this trick works but it will be removed by 31/AUG. Have fun!


Ah, i was lost for this as well, i had a feeling it was an outdated UI option. Thanks for the explanation!
