color change in tab container

I want #ffb500 color in divisional opportunity and when I click on Flex opportunity its color should change ti #ffb500 in tab container but it is displaying some other color. in main.sccs i am writing code
2 answers

In your browser open the inspector and look at your tabs. The active tab will have an added class ‘active’ to the active tab:

Rewrite the code to:


  li .active{
    background: #ffb500;

In your browser-inspector you can try out your select by clicking Console-tab and type $(‘li .active’)

Click the  to make the browser take you to what he found.

NBs. – beware of typos like in your line7 ‘cuustom’, this wil break the code
- use a css editor (VisualStudioCode for instance) to auto-style your css files.
- Don’t remove questions. Leave them for others to learn from.


Use the below code to set the color for active tab

mx-name-tabPage17 – This is the name of your tab inside the tab container.

.mx-tabcontainer .mx-tabcontainer-tabs > > {
    background: #0066cc !important;
    color: White !important;
    font-weight: bold;
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: #0066cc;
    background-color: #0066cc !important;


Below code will set the color during page load.

.mx-name-tabContainer2 .mx-name-tabPage12 {
    background: #BEBEBE ;
    color: White !important;
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: #ff9900;

