DateTime, always a pain in the @$$
When testing on my machine, [%BeginOfCurrentWeek%] returns Sunday, 12:00 AM
But returns Saturday 10PM if
Returns Sunday 2:00 AM if
Long story short; [%BeginOfCurrentWeek%] is returning sunday. BUT you have to be aware of localization. My test was executed time zone CEST, which is UTC +2. As you are located in the US, it will be UTC-A lot of hours.
Advise; if time difference over locations where the app is used isn’t important (which is in most cases the case) then don’t localize your DateTime attributes (unfortunately localizing is the default) and use ….UTC variables and functions
If you still end up with Mondays, then I’m quite curious to get more details of how you implemented this, to help you out
There must be something why you get the next Monday instead of previous one.
Instead of using the system variable [%BeginOfCurrentWeek%], you could use this function instead, which bring you more control
Create a integer variable $Day, with value: parseInteger(formatDateTimeUTC([%CurrentDateTime%], 'u'))
Create a DateTime variable $Date, with value: addDaysUTC([%BeginOfCurrentDayUTC%],-$Day)
If this also returns a Monday, then its a combination of Server, app and User DateTime settings