Want to display data on same page.

Hi, I want to show a list of chapters on the left side and the number of lessons of that particular chapter on right ide on the same page (Example: If I click on 1st chapter then it’s all lessons should be visible on its right side, If I click on 2nd Chapter then 2nd chapter lessons should be visible on the right side). And also I have to add chapters and lessons from the same page. Entities for both chapter and lesson are different and list view is used. I am inserting an image for reference.   Thank you
2 answers

This can be done out of the box in 2 minutes

  1. Add a layout grid in your page with to columns 6-6 divided
  2. Add a listview in the right column and connect it to your entity Chapter
  3. Add a dataview in the right column and set datasource to listen to widget and select the list view you added in the left column
  4. Add another listview in the dataview and set datasource to database entity path to Chapter/Lesson_Chapter/Lesson.



Thanks, But now Lessons are not visible for their respective chapters.

