The XML page cannot be displayed

I am trying to publish some webservices from my application. I have created the webservice correctly and it returns a list of objects, however when i select to retrieve a list of another object via a reference i get a error. I am testing the webservices in Eclipse and when i try to run it with the selection of a list from a reference i get the following error: The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later. The following tags were not closed: soap:Envelope, soap:Body, tns:HardwareDetailsResponse, CI. Error processing resource 'h... It seems as tho when you have a list of a list the tags are not closed off correctly. Also when looking at the example response code it does not seem correct to me this is because each object does not seem to be seperated off.
1 answers

This sounds strange. The only way your XML can become invalid is if an exception is thrown during the creation of the published webservice result. This should be visible in the log.
