Aviation program in Mendix was mothballed in 2015. A developer is needed to bring life to it again in the form of a PWA and launch into the market.

Greetings !    We are looking for an experienced Mendix developer that can re-instate an old aviation programme which was written in Mendix.   The business owner is based in South Africa so programmers in South Africa will get preference.  Fantastic career opportunity.  Please DM me on +27 66 243 1618 – alternatively johan@polcglobal.com
1 answers

Hello, if you want to find a solution easily, it is best recommended to contact Mendix directly and ask if they can help. They will then use there partner network to help find a solution.

Alternatively, I would recommend NOT to re-instate the application, but rebuild it in a new mendix version. The amount of changes/improvements that the mendix software has undergone in recent years will make it more cost-effective to create a new application, using the lessons learned to improve on what has been build, than to re-instate the old application.

On sight developers are handy, but there are partners that can help you get underway with your project AND support your company by tutoring an employee to become a mendix developer.


with kind regards

Geoffrey Doornbosch

Mendix Business Consultant at Bizzomate
