Nanoflow Commens are not available in Studio pro 7.2

Hi There,           I’m using Mendix studio pro 7.2 version. In that case the nanoflow commens are not available ,In that section i need “open map” activity to include in my nanoflow path. So how can i get it. Kindly let me know.       
3 answers

Nanoflow Commons were introduced later then Mx version 7.23.2:

You will not be able to import it into any version previous of Mx 8.0.0. If you try to import it into any previous version, you will see this:

What you can do is download nanoflow commons from the appstore: This will get you nanoflowCommons.mpk in your download folder. Unzip that file and you will get:

All plain javascript files that you can browse to create your own.


Tims answer is technically correct.

But as you are taking a learning path of Mendix you should not use 7.2 but 9.x

Are you following the learning path via​​​​​​​ or with other resources? 


You can still do one thing, you can copy the nanoflow commons folder in 7.x versions and use all Javascript actions available. 

Also you can copy particular javascript action code and create new one in 7.x version.
