Change entity attributes in a loop based on iterator value
Hi Everyone, I have an entitiy that has lots of attirbutes in it. I am retreiving data to go in those attributes via a rest call, and I would like to populate those attributes in a loop. For example: EntityA has 4 attributes A1, A2, A3, and A4 I am getting values I want to use for these attributes as a JSON. I can populate a list which I then want to loop through, and assign the Value to the corresponding Atribute name, using the CommonName in the JSON as a way of matching them. { "Code": "4", "DataItems": [ { "DataItemId": 2622, "CommonName": A1, "Value": false, "DataType": "string" }, { "DataItemId": 2623, "CommonName": A2, "Value": true, "DataType": "string" } ] Is this possible in a loop? I’ve read something about using MxModel Reflection Object Members to get the attributes, which I have done, but now I don’t know how to change the value of that attribute. I’m wondering if I need to use Java. This would save me from having to find and match 35 different ‘DataItems’ and then manualy assign them to the attributes. Hope that makes sense! Cheer
Ben Randall
2 answers
Hi Ben,
In your Import mapping, you should useL
Find an object by key
Use Common Name as the key (select the key checkbox)
Shown below is a mapping as a reference
Shekhar Tyagi
Hi Ben,
Can you please explain how did you use MXModelReflection to iterate through attributes of an entity?