java program to find timetaken for difference between processed date and received date

I created a SLA Task management app foe that i want to calculate the SLA timetaken for finding the difference between received date and processed date .I am using java action.I need java program to find SLA timetaken.     help please!!
3 answers

Hey Priya, 

Think that that could be more a Java question, then a Mendix one ;-) Might I suggest you use a Mendix function in your Microflow for datetime comparisons? E.g. daysBetween(a, b). You can use this function, e.g. when creating a variable in a microflow. You can find the documentation on these functions right here It would be possible to return this time difference in your java action as a parameter of the JA call.

Alternatively, if you need Java: this post seems to give enough options to try.

Best regards,




You can do this in a microflow with yearsBetween, daysBetween and some logic.


If a Java-action is not needed, don't use it. It is harder to maintain, not all Mendix Developers understand it and bugs are harder to find and fix.

  1. import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;  
  2. import java.text.ParseException;   
  3. import java.util.Date;   
  4. class DifferenceExample1 {     
  5.     // Create function for finding difference   
  6.     static void find(String join_date, String leave_date)   
  7.     {   
  8.         // Create an instance of the SimpleDateFormat class  
  9.         SimpleDateFormat obj = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss");   
  10.         // In the try block, we will try to find the difference  
  11.         try {   
  12.             // Use parse method to get date object of both dates  
  13.             Date date1 = obj.parse(join_date);   
  14.             Date date2 = obj.parse(leave_date);   
  15.             // Calucalte time difference in milliseconds   
  16.             long time_difference = date2.getTime() - date1.getTime();  
  17.             // Calucalte time difference in days  
  18.             long days_difference = (time_difference / (1000*60*60*24)) % 365;   
  19.             // Calucalte time difference in years  
  20.             long years_difference = (time_difference / (1000l*60*60*24*365));   
  21.             // Calucalte time difference in seconds  
  22.             long seconds_difference = (time_difference / 1000)% 60;   
  23.             // Calucalte time difference in minutes  
  24.             long minutes_difference = (time_difference / (1000*60)) % 60;   
  26.             // Calucalte time difference in hours  
  27.             long hours_difference = (time_difference / (1000*60*60)) % 24;   
  28.             // Show difference in years, in days, hours, minutes, and seconds   
  29.             System.out.print(   
  30.                 "Difference "  
  31.                 + "between two dates is: ");   
  32.             System.out.println(   
  33.                 hours_difference   
  34.                 + " hours, "  
  35.                 + minutes_difference   
  36.                 + " minutes, "  
  37.                 + seconds_difference   
  38.                 + " seconds, "  
  39.                 + years_difference   
  40.                 + " years, "  
  41.                 + days_difference   
  42.                 + " days"  
  43.                 );   
  44.         }   
  45.         // Catch parse exception   
  46.         catch (ParseException excep) {   
  47.             excep.printStackTrace();   
  48.         }   
  49.     }   
  50.     // Main class  
  51.     public static void main(String[] args)   
  52.     {   
  53.         // Set values for both dates  
  54.         String join = "12-12-2018 02:11:20";   
  55.         String leave  = "1-26-2020 07:15:50";   
  56.         // Calling find() method for getting difference bwtween dates  
  57.         find(join, leave);   
  58.     }   
  59. }  


You can use the above code instead of start date and end date give received date and processed date 
