Debugging session on mendixcloud with eclipse - exchange connector license

I'm currently wrestling with the exchange client (2007 and up). Local everything works fine, mail is synced back and forth. We have a fully functional production license and the exchange module is upgraded to our current mendix version as stated in this question. However, in the cloud environment I receive an license related error and I can't figure out why. This is the error: Mar 4 12:15:39.076 tr10000: DEBUG - EWSJConnectorInitializer: constructing connector initializer... Mar 4 12:15:39.082 tr10000: DEBUG - EWSJConnectorInitializer: creating factory with path to license key /srv/cloud/slots/tr10000/deploy/model/resources Mar 4 12:15:39.082 tr10000: DEBUG - EWSJConnectorInitializer: setting private key store using path Mar 4 12:15:39.082 tr10000: DEBUG - EWSJConnectorInitializer: creating connector Mar 4 12:15:39.090 tr10000: ERROR - EWSJConnectorInitializer: error initializing connector: null Mar 4 12:15:39.108 tr10000: INFO - Exch folder: All parameters are the same, license file, java version, endpoints, private key, you name it. I've contacted the guys at and they ask me for the JVM logs. I'm able to retrieve them from eclipse with local deployment but that's useless because everything works fine. My question is therefore two-fold: How can I connect eclipse to the cloud debugging functionality (if it's possible anyway, I'm afraid that it isn't) Does anybody know the cause of this license fail? Help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)
1 answers
  1. Indeed, not possible. It's easy to do for an on-site deployment though.
  2. From your log it seems like it's trying to look for the license file in /srv/cloud/slots/tr10000/deploy/model/resources. This looks a lot like a path that would exist on a cloud node, so I would think you must have configured this somewhere. I would think that the general instructions the library you use provide for using their license when running in Eclipse should work.

If nothing else works, decompiling EWSJConnectorInitializer and debugging that during startup is worth a try.
