How to store integer value as int value = 0000001(7 digit)
Hi All, I have a requirement to generate sequence number it should start from 0000001 so it should keep on incrementing as 0000002, 0000003,…..0000010…….0000100………,,, When I try adding plus 1 from 0000001 it should be like this 0000002. So usually I tried storing integer as 0000001 but any how it takes as 1 only. Any Idea please. Thanks in Advance!
Arunkumar Jaganathan
3 answers
0000001 is a string, not a number. You do not have a requirement to *store* as 0000001, you have requirements to present as such. Look at formatting options to convert numbers to strings.
Miroslav Samoylenko
Hi Arun, we are storing the data as integers like 1,2,3., while displaying the integer covert it into a string and add preceding zero's.
Store the data with preceding zero's as 0000001 in a string format. Convert the string into an integer by using the PaseInteger() function and perform the calculations and convert back it into the string and add preceding zero's.
Madhusudanarao Avvaru
I would use an autonumber attribute and in an after create microflow write the autonumber value to a string attribute with leading zeroes using the stringLeftPad java action in CommunityCommons for example.