How to Link SVN server (on-prem) with Mendix service console?

Hi, i have installed SVN server together with Mendix Service Console 4.6.1, The SVN server has been successfully able to sync with Mendix Studio Pro. My question is how can i link the commited mendix “trunk”,”Branches” and “tag” files to Mendix service console? so that i can deploy the app project from studio and test the app.
2 answers

To deploy an app via the Mendix Service Consoles you need to generate an MDA file (Mendix Deployment Archive).

The MDA file is created from your Mendix project repository. By default your Mendix project repository is hosted on the Mendix Cloud TeamServer (SVN) – I assume you are using this as it sounds like this is what you have synced. 

There are several ways to generate an MDA:
- Using Studio Pro. App > Generate Deployment Package

- Use CLI MxBuild  ( – Studio Pro option above uses this same process behind the scenes

Once you have the .mda file you can deploy it via the Service Console


i have found some info which is using Jenkins. so that can make the process automatically generate and deploy. is there anyone have some link or documentation on how to setup jenkins in window server?
