set reference selector value through excel import

I’m trying to import a reference selector value through excel importer. This is the setup: I have an entity “Attendee” which has an [1-*] association Attendee_EventLocation, with the EventLocation entity. When i use the configs in the import template as shown in my screenshot the outcome is that when i map the available location values specified in my excel sheet, it just adds these locations to the list Instead, my desired outcome is that the importer uses the available locations specified in the excel sheet to populate the reference selector with this path: EventManagement.Attendee_EventLocation/EventManagement.EventLocation/EventManagement.EventLocation.LocationName This way i can automatically link the Attendee to his specific location.
1 answers

It seems that your attendee is an account instead of has an account. Since accounts have quite some restrictions your import propably fails due to the fact you are not allowed to change the reference. It would have been better to have an association between attendee and account and indeed the association between attendee and eventlocation.

So double check your security that indeed you are allowed to set the reference and that the role that does the import is allowed to manage other accounts.



