Which client side events could cause the Mendix Internal error (contact your administrator)?

Hi guys   We have a situation where the user sees so frequently the default error message of Mendix for internal errors. We do not see a direct link to the errors in the logging and could not reproduce the issue in our other environments. I want to make sure that we do not miss any client-side events which could trigger this error well. So therefore wondering which events on the client-side could cause this error. What are in your experience the client side errors for this specific type of error? Besides that I am assuming that the server could miss a client side error which never reaches the server so that there is no log made in server console, are there any theoretical situations against this assumption (event a default timeout could not be generated if no client side request reaches the server right)?
2 answers

Hi Sinan,

It could be a widget that's not functioning properly, or a microflow running synchronious and taking too long to finish. When it takes too long to finish, the connection between the client action and server might interrupt. Causing the user to see an error, but the function will complete on serverside, so there won't be anything in the application console logging.

This is both only visible in the console log of the browser, can you ask the user to give you this information?


Hi Sinan,

You can inspect the browser when the error occurs and check the error in browser console and check what are the widgets used in the page or if nay js action are being used itn he app and narrow which one is causing the error
