REST Import mapping changes Domain Model

I’m trying to follow this REST tutorial, but as soon as I create import mapping my domain model changes, the mapping structure as well and I’m getting an error.  Why does it happen and how can I fix it?   This is how domain Model looked before I created the Import Mapping: After: And this is how Import Mapping looks like:   During the Import Mapping creation, when I click “Map automatically” it shows a popup with the following message: Did not create parameter entity. Found entity 'StockManagement.Product' and used it in object mapping element 'Product'. Did not change association selection '' in object mapping element 'Product'. Found entity 'StockManagement.Store' and used it in object mapping element 'Store'. Created association 'StockManagement.Store_Product' and used it in object mapping element 'Store'. Found attribute 'StockManagement.Store.Number' and used it in value mapping element 'Number (Integer)'.  
1 answers

You have a persistent entity referencing a non-persistent entity, which is not allowed.

It's best to let the import mapping create new non-persistent entities in your domain model for the entire data structure. You can process the data to your persistent model in a microflow when you make the restcall.
