Mendix Native styling - input labels styling

I have the following 2 pieces of JavaScript styling code for my Mendix Native app. The Dropdown part works perfectly, the input part doesn’t: the label will not show as bold. I can change all other properties such as color and size successfully. From custom-variables.js. Everything but fontWeight works: export const input = { label: { numberOfLines: 1, color: font.colorTitle, fontSize: font.size, fontWeight: font.weightBold, textAlign: "left", }, etc.   Copied from core into own file, because I needed to change other styling for dropdown. Everything including fontWeight works: export const DropDown = { label: { numberOfLines: 1, color: font.colorTitle, fontSize: font.size, fontWeight: font.weightBold, textAlign: "left", }, etc.   Do you know why this doesn’t work and how I can get it to work? Thanks!
2 answers

So I copy-pasted your code, and it works for me. The label on the textinput shows up bold when I put the class on the textBox.

Perhaps try to clean the deployment directory and run again? Sometimes that magically does the trick.


Hi Fiemke,

Is there in your core\variables.js a line for under ‘let font’ that says:

weightBold: "bold",

