Hi Mendix experts: I followed the guide as https://docs.mendix.com/apidocs-mxsdk/mxsdk/creating-your-first-script But seems I cannot create the demo app, could anyone help on this? ==================message========================================================== Creating new project with name NewApp-1639467168356 for user xxx.xxx@xxx.com Project creation for user xxx.xxx@xxx.com underway with job id: 969c36cc-40df-4a39-883a-ad20af29d2e6... Something went wrong: Unable to create NewApp-1639467168356 app because of an internal error. ==================demo code ========================================================== const project = await client.platform().createNewApp(`NewApp-${Date.now()}`); ==================message========================================================== I drill down the code, in the mendix-platform-sdk.js Line 244 The state is “failed”, can I get more details log that I can know why createNewApp failed? Thanks.
Robert Bu
1 answers
Check out the content in the next line of ‘response.entity.errorMessage’