Mendix Application ID

Greetings! While creating application in mendix studio pro have selected no for enable online services. But today I need mendix application id for teamcenter connector SSO. So in order to get mendix application id should I push app on mendix developer portal or there any other way of getting app id in mendix studio pro only. Also if I have to push on mendix developer portal please guide in how to do so. Thank you!
1 answers

I’m not sure how this module works but to get your local project in the portal you can follow the guide here:

This will provide you with a mendix app id.

Not sure if the module works locally, but you can get your app ID alos with the MprTool.exe program in the mendix install dir/modeler.

Open the program, open the mpr file of your project and select the project in the left hand explorer and in the bottom pane you’ll see your $ID. Not sure if the works for the module and uploading this to the could might be the required way forward.
