Definition of a user

Just a fictional usecase for my question:   My company has 1000 employees and 10 developers. The developers create 20 apps for all 1000 employees. Employee tracking and role-based access is needed for all apps (which, I guess, we could just make part of our app solutions). Deployment is on the Mendix Cloud. What would Mendix consider to be a paying user? The 10 developers building the 20 apps, or all 1000 using the apps?   Regards, Sa  
2 answers

The 1000 users is what you pay for in the license, with these numbers you probably end up with "standard" license and you can talk to Mendix about what exactly you need. Developers can use studio pro (development tool) as much as you like.

See pricing: 


When using Mendix cloud, you are paying for Mendix cloud which means you are paying for users of the application.

You can choose to have Private cloud, in which case license key is offered to you. But I am not totally aware of how the licensing is considered.

In both case, you are not paying for the developers.
