Get complete URL

hello    How can I get the whole url? I already used the "get application URL" but I can only get http://localhost:8080 but I need the rest. how can I do this? Thanks
1 answers

There is no rest unless you explicitly entered such in the page properties. See the documentation here:

2.3.6 URL

The URL of the page can be used to directly navigate to the page (for example, from external links or bookmarks). It will be shown in the address bar of the browser when you visit the page. When navigating to a page without a URL configured, the last visited URL is shown. Note that the full URL of the page will be the base URL of your application followed by /p and then by the configured URL of the page (for example,

Pages with top-level data views (parameterized pages) can also have URLs. The URL property of such pages should contain the {Id} path segment at the end. In the browser, the {Id} segment will be replaced with the actual identifier of an entity.

In simple e-commerce applications, the URLs can be configured as follows:

    /orders/ – the URL for a page with a data grid for Orders (in a browser, the URL will look like

    /order/{Id} – the URL for a page with data from a particular Order (in a browser, the URL will look like, wherein 3212449487634321 is the unique identifier of the Order)



