Congrats to Ronald Catersels

After many years of Simon Black leading the board, congratulations to Ronald Catersels for taking over the lead in the overall Mendix-points: You are a great help to the community!
1 answers

Thank you. Nice way to begin 2022. I think I am the first non Mendix employee to reach this top place. Wonder though how long I can keep this position. Probably not as long as Simon did. There are some people coming up real fast like Tim and also René.

But it is good that so many good people participate in answering questions. The forum is in my humble opinion one of the best features of Mendix. It was the reason why I choose Mendix instead of some other low code systems a long time ago because you got answers real fast by experts on the subject. It has saved me a lot of times certainly in the begin period of me learning Mendix and when the actual developers answered the questions (and they still do sometimes).
So keep up the good work you all and let's make 2022 a great Mendix year.
Go make it,

