What is the maximum limit of attributes that can be added to an Odata entity so that the retrieve does not fail?

What is the maximum limit of attributes that can be added to an Odata entity so that the retrieve does not fail?
2 answers

I do not think there is one and. And if you have an entity with a lot of attributes it might be wiser to cut it up because OData might be the least of your problems. Bigger entities means slower retrieves and that will eventually hurt your performance of the app. Not only in OData but just overal. So you probably hit the wall sooner in your app then in OData retrieves.






I know this is an old post, but I was wondering the same thing.  I recently created a persistent helper table (essentially a db view) with over 150 attributes that gets created via task queue and stored for a daily powerBI sync.


It worked great and it reduced db load spiking during powerBI sync since it was just one table instead of the 6 or so tables it had to join orignally.


Hope your doing well!


