Unable to get member from empty variable - data grid 2

Hi, I have a data grid 2 with a button that triggers a microflow that deletes the parameter object. This microflow works with no issue locally, however when I deploy to a cloud sandbox environment I sometimes get the following error: Client: An error occurred while executing an action of [MODULENAME].[PAGENAME].actionButton14: Unable to get a member from an empty variable $VARIABLENAME. Error: An error occurred while executing an action of [MODULENAME].[PAGENAME].actionButton14: Unable to get a member from an empty variable $VARIABLENAME. The thing is, it only seems to happen if I click this button shortly after having created the object for the first time. So what happens is: I create the object Click “Save” (which commits the object) Pop up closes, which shows the Data Grid 2, with the object I just created in it I click the delete button, which triggers the microflow to delete the object again If I do those steps relatively quick, I get the above error. If I wait for a bit, I don’t get an error. This only happens in the sandbox environment, not locally. Does it have something to do with the lower number of resources in a Sandbox environment? Or could it be something else? I’m on Mendix 9.6.6.
1 answers

Data grid 2 has platform support. I would suggest creating a support ticket with a movie that shows the problem and the demo project for support to replicate this behaviour.



